
Gordon Bruin, LMHC, CMHC
Gordon Bruin, CMHC

Gordon Bruin, LMHC, CMHC,

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Certified Mental Health Counselor

Gordon S. Bruin is an American Board Certified licensed mental health counselor with 30 years of experience.

Throughout his career, he has always placed himself at the front line when working with those who suffer from addiction or mental health challenges. 

Insight From Gordon

I have seen a significant increase in anxiety and depression issues during the past decade, particularly with the rising generation.  

This is partly due to what some have referred to as living in the age of the  “Great Acceleration.”  

Everything is moving faster, and the amount of information we are being attacked with is overwhelming through sophisticated social media channels, all seeking one thing—our attention.  

Our ability to slow down and think deeply about issues is being attacked by potent forces, most of which are outside our awareness. 

However, those who are positively navigating through all this have incorporated into their lives specific strategies or what I refer to as becoming a “Mindful Warrior.”   

Become a Mindful Warrior

These strategies are timeless principles that flow through all of the best books I have read and will share throughout this site’s different avenues. 

I’ll be forever grateful for the hundreds of courageous clients I have worked with through the years.

They have all taught me valuable lessons about the challenges involved in the human condition and the hope of healing, change, and empowerment that can flow into any life if they can grasp and actively implement timeless principles.

If what is shared on this site can help a small few or even one person, that’s enough for me.

I hope to help you become a “Mindful Warrior.”  

The truth is there is a war going on around us, a war for our attention.

It’s the only thing we possess.  The right to choose what we will attend to.

Without becoming more aware of how your brain/mind works, you are at the mercy of powerful forces that have no interest in how your life will turn out.

Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@some_tale?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Some Tale</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/photos/pt5VLp9Cm_4?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>
Mindful Warriors Never Give Up!

Timeless principles of The “Mindful Warrior” mindset in a nutshell:

  1. Can-do attitude (I will find a way, somehow-someway)
  2. A healthy sense of humor (Laugh when necessary)
  3. Zero victim mentality (The world doesn’t owe me anything)
  4. Learn from Failure and heartache (Do not focus on the past)
  5. Obstacles are opportunities for growth
  6. You are stronger than you think you are (Internal dialogue – speak strong thoughts to yourself)

Take charge of your attitude, be strong in adversity, and keep moving forward one step at a time.

Works w/ Addiction

He has spent years helping those who struggle with drug addiction, social media addiction, and unresolved trauma reclaim their lives.

His passion is helping others take charge of their lives and free themselves from bad situations and negative thinking patterns.
He has developed easy-to-understand explanations of how the brain works, why we can get hi-jacked so quickly, and how to take control of our mental health.

Gordon has seen how high achievers have disciplined themselves to slow down, quiet the anxious mind, think less, and focus more on the thoughts that matter.

In this age, some have called “The Great Acceleration,”  our attention is being hacked by powerful forces without awareness.

Gordon educates others to live more intentionally by learning to manage anxiety, depression, and addiction.

Advocate For Health & Activity

Gordon Bruin advocate for health
Gordon exercises every day, it's non-negotiable.

Gordon is an advocate for healthy living and staying active.  

He exercises regularly, lifting weights, swimming, biking, yoga, and martial arts, and loves spending time at the beach. 

He has been married for over 40 years to his fantastic wife, who has constantly supported him.  

They have four children and several grandchildren.  

Maintaining healthy relationships with each family member is their highest priority.