Overcoming Past Traumas and Eliminate Non Essentials

Overcoming Past Traumas and Eliminate Non Essentials

Mind Matters w/ Gordon Bruin

Eliminate Non-Essentials - The Power of Focus and Purpose in Overcoming Past Traumas

Life is a journey, an ever-evolving process that brings about constant change we must focus and eliminate non-essentials from our life. 

However, many people find themselves stuck in the past, held back by traumas or negative experiences. 

Remembering that the key to overcoming this lies in focusing on the future and finding purpose even amidst suffering is essential.

Consider those who are trapped by their circumstances due to poverty. 

I’ve been working with a young man from such a background who finds himself stuck at a dead-end job earning just $15 per hour. 

Despite his struggles, he has begun recognizing his potential for growth and success through hard work and discipline.

This is where we all stand – at a crossroads between our best selves and our worst versions. 

Our focus determines our path – dwelling on past mistakes or striving toward an improved future.

For those battling addiction issues, envision yourself clean five years from now – it’s possible! 

Part of healing involves eliminating non-essential habits like excessive social media use, which can be addictive.

Recovery isn’t easy, but committing 100% to certain decisions aids progress significantly. 

Remember that relapses are just part of learning what works for you during recovery.

Thucydides once said, “Of all manifestations of power restraint impresses men most.” 

So, let’s exercise restraint over unhelpful habits while focusing more on building our ideal selves for the future.

Get Rid of Non-Essentials
Overcome your trauma and get rid of non-essentials.

Action Items

1. Reflect on Past Experiences: Take some time to reflect on your past experiences, particularly those that have had a negative impact on you. Identify what these are and commit to not repeat the same mistakes.

2. Focus on Your Future: Instead of dwelling in the past, focus on envisioning your improved future. Visualize where you want to be five years from now and set clear goals accordingly.

3. Eliminate Non-essential Habits: Evaluate your daily habits and identify those that are non-essential or potentially harmful, such as excessive use of social media or addiction issues. Make efforts to eliminate these from your life.

4. Commit 100% To Recovery: If you’re struggling with addiction issues, commit fully to recovery, even if initially tricky. Understand that relapses can happen, but they are part of the learning process during recovery.

5. Exercise Restraint Over Unhelpful Habits: Practice restraint over unhelpful habits while focusing more energy on building a better version of yourself for the future.

6. Understand Your Mind Better: Equip yourself with knowledge about how our minds work, especially concerning social media manipulations, so you can navigate them effectively

7. Be Mindful About Where You Direct Attention: Be aware of where you direct attention because certain things can drain us energetically

8. Eliminate Non-essentials From Life: Simplify life by eliminating non-essentials rather than carrying them forward unnecessarily

9. Seek Professional Help When Necessary: If battling addictions or traumas is too overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek professional help like therapists who could guide recovery.