Understanding the Human Brain w/ Addiction

Understanding the Human Brain w/ Addiction

Understanding the brain

Understanding the Brain and Addiction

I will talk about a concept to understand the human brain that is making a massive difference to those struggling with addiction.

When clients hear this, they often ask, “Why hasn’t anyone told me this before?”

This is very easy to understand. It takes a very complex issue and explains it very clearly.

In essence, to understand the brain you need to know we have two brains working in concert with each other.

The balance between these two brains determines the quality of life.

understanding the brain

In the picture above the red, as you see in this picture, is the limbic system. This is known as the primitive or the emotional, instinctive brain.

In the gray, we have the other part of the brain called the prefrontal cortex, or the neocortex.

In this picture below of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, those struggling with this addiction can relate.

addiction related to Jekyll and Hyde

Understanding the Brain Related to Addiction

Usually, when someone comes in and sits down with me for the first time, they’re so troubled by the addiction, and they’re saying, I’m ready to completely get rid of this thing.

Can you show me how to get rid of this once and for all?

I’ll pause a moment and say, now, wait a minute. You’re really of two minds at this thing, aren’t you?

A part of you wants to stop, or you wouldn’t be here. But there’s also this other part of you that doesn’t want to stop.

I have brought this up repeatedly, I notice that individuals will sit there and lean back in their chair a little bit, and a slight grin will come upon their face as if to say, yeah, you caught me.

They agree there is this other part of themself that does not want to give up the addiction.

You may feel like many of my clients and want to give up the addiction while secretly fighting to keep it.

This is the part of the brain I want you to understand is trying to protect you, so I’ve created this website and all of the educational materials to help you understand the two brains and how to get them to work together.